GarGraves track and accessories
GAR 803-3 - 80 Track Pins for Ross or Gargraves Track
930B - 12 Pieces -16 Gauge Wire with 8 inch Pigtail Soldered to Track Pin / Black
930R - 12 Red Pigtails
800 - 1-Dozen Insulating Track Pins
DZ-1000 - Switch Machine & Controller w/2 spring links (GarGraves and Ross Custom switches)
930W-12 - 12 Pieces - 16 Gauge Wire Soldered with 8 inch Pigtail to Track Pin / White
300 SY - Safety Yellow - Bumper
809-5 - Bag of 50 screws / 1 inch
911-1 gar - Track Connectors (3)
808-1 - Bag of 100 #4 3/4 inch Phillips Pan Head Screw / Black
300 BK - Track Bumper - Black
808-5 - Bag of 50 #4 3/4 inch Phillips Pan Head Screw / Black
st1473 - Track-Bed™ Strips (Standard Pack) - O Scale
106-202-S - Stainless O-106 Curve track with Plastic Ties
72-202-S - Stainless O-72 Curve Track with Plastic Ties
202-S-37 - Stainless 37 inch Straight Track with Plastic Ties
GAR 101 Box of 50 flex pieces - Full Box of Track / 50 Pieces
801 - 12 O Gauge Lionel to Ross or Gragraves Mating Pins
11-32208 - Fiber Disc / for cutting track